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A Quick Guide to Property Maintenance for Jacksonville Landlords

A Quick Guide to Property Maintenance for Jacksonville Landlords

According to the Jacksonville Business Journal,  this Florida city is one of the best places to buy investment property in the US. That's because of moderate home prices, favorable appreciation, and high rents in the area.

So, you're onto a good thing if you already own or want to buy property in Jacksonville, Florida.

Being a landlord isn't all plain sailing, though. You've got to manage a lot of time-consuming and sometimes costly aspects when you rent out your investment property.

Preventive property maintenance is the best way to avoid unpleasant, expensive surprises as a Jacksonville Landlord. Here's your guide to maintaining your investment properties in excellent condition.

Keep Pests at Bay

Termites alone cost the American public over $5 billion in property damages every year. Property damage aside, it's unpleasant living with household pests and makes for unhappy tenants.

Schedule regular pest control services to ensure your rental property stays free of bedbugs, rodents, termites, and cockroaches.

Look Out For Leaks

Regular property inspections can reveal tell-tale signs of pending plumbing issues. Always check for signs of water damage and drips near sources of water.

Repairing these small problems before they escalate will save you a lot of money on water mitigation or replacing burst pipes. 

It's the landlord's responsibility to manage any mold found during this inspection process, too. 

Seasonal Maintenance Aspects

There are two major things you need to address as the seasons change. You should change the air filters in your HVAC system at least every six months, preferably every three months.

Dirty, clogged filters cause your HVAC to work harder and may lead to serious damage. 

Likewise, sediment collects in your water heater over time and can hamper its performance. Flushing your water heater twice a year will help keep the water clean and prevent system malfunctions.

In most cities, you only have a few days to deal with any heating and cooling issues, or you'll face severe penalties. In this light, it's advisable to avoid them occurring in the first place.

Inspect Your Roof and Gutters

Roof replacement is one of the most expensive home repairs. Inspect your roof regularly to make sure the shingles are in good repair.

It's much cheaper and easier to repair a few broken shingles than it is to replace your entire roof. Water leaks caused by a damaged roof can lead to unhappy tenants and major repairs. 

Keeping your gutters clean also helps keep your roof in good repair. Your home's gutters direct water away from your property to prevent leaks.

Leaves and sticks trapped in your gutters are a fire hazard.

Maintaining a Clean Property

It's usually the tenant's responsibility to keep the property clean and hygienic. Poor cleaning practices can lead to further issues, and if tenants don't keep the home in a satisfactory condition, they must pay for cleaning services to rectify the situation.

Leave Property Maintenance to the Experts

One of the best property maintenance tips you'll ever receive is to hire a property management company to take care of your investment properties.

We'll take care of every aspect of your Jacksonville rental property's management, including tenant screening, rent collection, and property maintenance. Get in touch to schedule a free consultation today.
